lundi 22 septembre 2014

Self-awareness: regular and dynamic.

Consciousness is 50% change.

Consciousness is composed of two parts:

Regular: it is he who works to protect you by leaving in the zone of peace, free from danger, you feed, you sleep (basic need to survive).

Dynamic: it is he who gives you the desire to succeed, make a change, step in your life, evolve, seek happiness ...

Now Do you understand why I always say, do not use force in change..?

If you want to start exercising, start slowly, not forcing your body, you have to feel good when doing sports breathing deeply. Do the Sports steps by steps until it comes out of the dynamic part to fit into the regular part, become second nature to you.

Your inner consciousness influences your thought, your thought this turn into concentration, concentration generate feelings, feelings generate a behavior, the behavior shape your life, your existence..

You want to change your life for the better, change your consciousness.
There are several types of concept, I will discuss in detail in the next record

        · Negative & positive.
        · Conscious & unconscious.
        · Powers, skills concepts.
        · Concept of mental Lync.

Golden Rule:

Once you are aware of what you do, you'll come out of the experience, stop what you are doing and direct your behavior after will be positive.

When you eat quickly, once we are aware of it ,going on the field quickly ,stop eating and start eating slowly.

The Intuitions: are there to help us see this is just say, you have to do (not do) that ..

The internal court: it is he who supports everything after the self, to apply as the wish. Remember we did an article on “the me”. We were told that we should not tell “me” something “negative”.

Do not say I'm a director, because you will, fate everywherewith you in the street ,at home etc. ..
You can say for example; I work as an engineer ...

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