When you think about any few things, your brain will be the expansion and dissemination of this thing with the same nature
That's mean?
Do you ever think about your future car, and you begin to notice it everywhere?
That's right I am talking about :)
When you're in a bad mood, you start thinking about all that bother.
When you are becoming depressed, you will start to notice that the negative side of things, you'll start to have life in black.
When you say That people have to respect you, you will notice right person you disrespect, or you will start to interpret the behavior as non-compliance!
When you think of someone as a bade person, your brain will really take all the mental file (with negative experiences with that person) to prove that you're right and you will puiez in your thought and you confirm that the person is negative .....
When you say I'm ugly, I'm bad, I'm bad ... you repeat and you associate with it a strong sense, your brain will help you be what you want and you will prove that you are no , ugly etc ...
can you eat the trash? Of course not you will tell me!
Well, know that when you said that you are to feed your brain the trash !!
It is necessary to differentiate between your powers and skills
Your power is unlimited
Your skills, are what you learn every day, your know-how. the languages you speak, computer ...
Me: unlimited in time, in the field, in the place, so in energy
Beware of things to what you think:
You think to fail, you will find failure
You think about success, you will find success
Thinking about the negativity ....
You think of a few things, your brain will develop and spread this thing similar
be careful what you said to your self and what you say to people
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